Social and Economic Rights


Civil service Litigation

Access to the public administration:

Administrative competitions, recruitments, fixed-term contracts, permanent contract, period of probation, ...

Career Development:

Intern, probation, assignment, promotion, appointment, notation, positions, outposting, providing, work transfer, ...

Rights and obligations of officials:

Wages, allowances and premiums, conditions of work, working time, freedom of Association, training, equal treatment, bullying, right of strike, rights to leave, ...

Disciplinary regulations:

Disciplinary proceedings, disciplinary sanctions of officials and public servants.

Termination of service:

Dismissal , retirement, ...

Social Protection litigation

In case of dispute with “CAF”, social security, Pôle Emploi, or the MDPH, our firm brings an assistance to help you in find your way and a solution in such complex legal procedures.

Labour court (Conseil des prud’hommes)

Our firm represents you in the conflicts between employees and employers at all stages of the employment contract:

  • unfair dismissal,
  • sanctions and disciplinary dismissals,
  • contractual termination (“rupture conventionnelle”),
  • negotiated departure and transaction,
  • maternity leave,
  • non payment of premiums, harassment, ...
  • negotiation and drafting of the employment contract